Tips for buying a pet house


Here are some additional tips and suggestions for making your Moonpethouse a happy place for your pet.  And when your pet is happy, you are happy!
>> A pet-house should be properly insulated to protect the pet from ground moisture and extreme temperatures.
>> Wood protects better than plastic; wood is also a better insulator against summer heat and winter cold.
>> The pet house should not be too large, as a smaller space will retain more warmth during the winter months.
>> The door-opening should not be too big. Again, in order to better retain warmth during cold weather.  Remember:  The door may seem       small to you, but it may be just fine for them.    And don’t forget to allow for their growth!
>> Dogs and cats aren’t built like humans—they’re more flexible and agile.  Dogs and cats can usually fit through any space where their heads fit.  Ever wonder why cats have whiskers?  (Their bodies will fit through wherever their whiskers fit.)
>> It’s a good idea that the pet house have a concrete base or foundation.  A base or foundation made of nylon or polyethylene would also work well.
>> Wooden bases or wooden legs are not recommended, as moisture will seep in.  This will make your pet very uncomfortable.
>> The pet house’s location is important in order to provide protection during the winter months; when the weather is cold, windy and rainy.
>> it is also a good idea to install a flexible PVC curtain, adjustable for summer/winter months.  This will keep in the warmth during the winter; it can also be opened during the summer to allow more ventilation.
>> Ideally, the pet house should be placed in the pet's preferred spot in the yard.
>> You should not use the pet house as a form of punishment or isolation.
>> A simple periodic washing with a garden hose should be enough to remove dirt and grime from the pet house.  It is also highly recommended that the pet house have a roof venting system.
>> Veterinarians suggest you disinfect the pet home regularly with ammonia and rinse well afterwards with water.  An application of flea and tick repellent is also advisable.
>> It is a good idea to regularly wash the rugs, mats or mattresses that are placed on the floor of the pet house, and replace if necessary.